On Friday evening April 23, Cadette Girl Scouts from Montgomery County participated in the first Medieval Maidens feast. Preparations began with a discussion about women who lived during the medieval period and what their lives might have been like. Specific women, such as Joan of Arc and Blanche of Castile were discussed. Lots of questions were asked about fashion and passtimes.
Then the prepartions really began in earnest. Girls prepared the dough for their crispels and smashed apples for their Fruays (an apple and bread pudding). Girls also worked on creating games to pass the time while the food was cooking. They used items that they found in the woods to create their games. Soccer with a rock seemed to be one of the most popular games of the afternoon.
In a workshop with Lois Jarman, they also discussed illuminated manuscripts and looked at images of the Book of Kells. The girls then set about creating their own quill and ink writings and illuminations. They were then "bound" with hole puncher and black ribbon!
During the feast, the girls danced and a highly dramatic presentation of "Little Red Riding Hood" was given. All the girls agreed that the food was suprisingly good! They also said it was fun to be able to use their fingers to eat with, even though the Fruays was a bit difficult to manage without a spoon. The evening ended with a great Huzzah!
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